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Bank of Portugal governor knew Rioforte was bust when stating it was 'a viable company'

BoPCostaAsleepThe Bank of Portugal hid a financial black hole of €954 million in Rioforte while guaranteeing to shareholders that the company was viable.

The Bank of Portugal, under governor Carlos Costa, (pictured), later failed to disclose key information about events leading to the bankruptcy of Rioforte, part of the Espírito Santo Group which collapsed in 2014.

Portugal's diplomats miffed at UNESCO posting

portugalflagPortugal’s Association of Diplomats has demanded that the government reconsiders its appointment of the former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic to be its UNESCO representative.
The Association reacted to the announcement of  the Government's intention to appoint Sampaio da Nóvoa as Portugal’s ambassador to UNESCO, stating that it was a "complete surprise” and a very strange choice.

New outdoor venue for Lagoa Wine Festival this April

lagoaREDLagoa council, the organiser of the city’s annual Wine Festival, has decided to move the event from the white elephant site of the Arade Conference Centre, to another council-inspired mistake, the bright red tarmac of the city’s market area.

The red wine stains will hardly show on the controversial surface that turned a normally cautious municipality into a regional laughing stock.

The EN125's crumbling eastern section - no start date for promised upgrade

potholesilvesDeeply fed up with being ignored by government, the EN125 Citizens' Movement has launched an official petition to collect signatures so parliament can debate the issue of broken promises to fix the eastern section of the road and discuss the broken dreams that the A22 motorway would accelerate the region’s mobility and efficiency.
The renovation of the EN125 eastern section, between Olhão and Vila Real de Santo António, was promised even before December 2011 when tolls were imposed on the region’s motorway. There is no start date for this work, even though the western section now is finished.

January Algarve road deaths fifth highest in Portugal

INEM125The January road death toll in the Algarve was higher this January than in 2017 with five people killed and 10 seriously injured in road accidents.
The National Road Safety Authority’s figures show one more death and four more seriously injured road users than over the same period last year.

Algarve - British tourist numbers drop in January

airplane2The number of British tourists in the Algarve's hotels fell 19.4% in January this year, compared to the same month in 2017, according to data released by the region’s tourist association, AHETA.
The average overall occupancy rate was 35.7%, a drop of only 0.3 of a percentage point than in last January.

Building of new homes - "it's inevitable" says APEMIP president

apartmentsMore than 80% of homes in Portugal were sold in less than six months, according to data from the estate agents association, APEMIP, issued on Monday, February 5th.
According to the APEMIP barometer, referring to December 2017, "the Portuguese real estate sector is showing a dynamism that has not been seen for a long time, especially in the housing segment."

VRSA starts sports complex development

vrsa2Vila Real de Santo António council is pressing ahead with the redevelopment of the south side of the city with the construction of new sports facilities.
The ambitious project will see the construction of three new sports areas and a retail area where 40 jobs are predicted.