Aljezur mayor loses final appeal against 'loss of mandate' ruling

aljezuroilThe mayor of Aljezur, José Amarelinho, may not be mayor much longer as his final appeal to the Constitutional Court has been rejected.
The case against the Mayor of Aljezur goes back to 2012 when the socialist mayor was condemned by Lagos Court which ordered he be relieved of his mayoral position, also to serve three years and two months in prison unless he paid €5,000 to the League for the Protection of Nature.

Álvaro Sobrinho siphoned off €499 million from BES-Angola, alleges Der Spiegel

BESalgolabossThe German publication, Der Spiegel, and the weekly Portuguese paper, Expresso, have shared details of how  Álvaro Sobrinho, the former boss of Banco Espírito Santo - Angola (BES-A), managed to divert funds, including €227 million in customers’ cash deposits.
Álvaro Sobrinho, is suspected of receiving $433 via three Angolan companies and another $182 million from two offshore companies. The total he is alleged to have siphoned off is the equivalent of €499 million, money that was advanced as ‘loans’ to companies which then was diverted for his control and use.

EDP board receives 9% pay increase with CEO earning €2.2 million

edpPylonAntónio Mexia, the president of EDP, earned €2.2 million in 2017, a figure 52 times more than the average salary of EDP's 12,000 employees.
Mexia received a basic salary of €984,000 (4.8% more than in 2016), and a bonus of €584,000 for his performance in the previous year - 47% more than the bonus he received in 2016.

Portugal's fiddled unemployment figures exposed

unemployedAt last, researchers have come up with accurate unemployment figures, not the sanitised ones used by government.
According to researchers from Lisbon University, at the depth of the economic crisis in the first quarter of 2013, actual unemployment reached 28.1%, well above the 17.5% supplied to media and government by the National Institute of Statistics.

We have to fight the big lobbies in the energy sector"

edpThe Social Democratic Party’s vice president, Salvador Malheiro, has spoken out against the lobbying of big energy companies operating in Portugal and the resulting high costs that government and councils have been saddled with.
"In Portugal, we have to have the courage, the boldness and the firmness to look at this matter without giving in to commercial interests. I know that everyone should have tried to do this, but we must fight the big lobbies in the energy sector," said Malheiro, referring to the intestinally complex world of energy acquisition contracts (CAEs) and 'costs to maintain the contractual equilibrium' (CMEC).

Puigdemont quits Catalan presidency ambitions

CatalanCrowdFlagsCarles Puigdemont, the exiled former president of Catalonia, has ended his re-election bid. 

Inconveniently for his political ambitions, Puigdemont faces arrest should he return to Spanish territory which has made it difficult for him to campaign and left the big question unanswered, could he rule from Belgium?

Oporto to levy €2-a-night 'tourist tax' from March 1st

portTo the delight of the Algarve’s tourism industry, the city of Oporto has become the second location in Portugal to levy a 'tourist tax' on its visitors.
Lisbon already charges €1-a-night on tourists and Oporto’s council has decided to follow suit, but with a €2 charge "per guest aged over 13 years, per night."

Brits now in third place as French flood into Portuguese property market

alentejoBritish purchasers of property in Portugal have been consigned to third place as the French invasion continues apace.
In Lisbon and Oporto, Brazilian buyers are in second place in the purchase of property by foreigners (24% and 27%) but the French are ahead, representing 29% of all such purchases.