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Prehistoric 'rock art' found beside the Guadiana

rockartSmallFive rock engravings that experts believe to be prehistoric have been discovered on the banks of the Guadiana River in Elvas after the water level dropped due to the continuing drought.
The discoveries will be analysed by the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Alentejo which already has planned for experts to travel to the various locations to study the engravings, found last week.

Benfica dishes out tickets to tax office, court and government staff

BenficaLogoBenfica football club has been inundated with requests for free tickets for matches, not from charities and indigent fans but from public servants from tax office staff, government officials and high court judges, according to leaked emails.
Júlio Loureiro, a court official, asked for a ticket for a game – also the Lisbon Finance Service and Rita Abreu Lima, the chief of staff of the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Miguel Macedo, emailed for free tickets.

Cheap Spanish diesel costs Portugal €200 million in lost tax revenue

dervA tax fraud involving the sale of Spanish diesel may have cost Portuguese taxpayers as much as €200 million in the past four years.
The estimate is based on an internal document from the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies which outlines tax losses from VAT and ISP on petroleum products.

Left Bloc MPs pile in to Ria Formosa property demolitions argument

CulatraRepossessions81The Left Bloc has piled into the Ria Formosa demolitions fracas, insisting that the government halts is current process to demolish 22 further properties, many of which are owned by shellfishermen and fishermen, so qualify for exemption under the Environment Minister's own edict. 
The Left Block will present a resolution in parliament to prevent Polis Litoral Ria Formosa, a company owned by the Ministry of the Environment, taking administrative possession of properties on the island of Culatra at properties in the villages of Farol and Hangars.

Algarve hoteliers €96 million short due to UK tourist downturn

albufeirahotelparaisoGerman, Dutch and Irish tourists compensated for a downturn in the number of UK holidaymakers last year- the Algarve’s hoteliers’ association chief blames Brexit.
Higher hotel room prices pushed hotel revenues to €1 billion, up 9.4%, despite the British ‘no show’ but the AHETA’s president, Elidérico Viegas, blames Brexit for holidaymakers "saving their money and staying at home."

Beer sales up due to improving economy and thirsty tourists

beerdrinkerBeer slurpers in Portugal managed to guzzle 8% more last year as the economy improved, the weather stayed finer for longer and thirsty tourists flooded into the country.
Beer exports were up nearly 13%, compared to 2016, according to Brewers of Portugal, new name for the Portuguese Association of Beer Producers.

Irish parliament votes to ban new oil exploration licences

oilrigatseaIreland's Dáil Éireann, the country's lower house of parliament, voted 78-48 last Thursday to push forward with a bill to stop the government from issuing new contracts for onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration.
The Irish government’s stance echoes that of Portugal with its pro-oil agenda, in the face of environmental objections and despite renewable energies representing the way forward in CO2 international obligations.

Carvoeiro swimmer who died in tourist boat collision - report blames speed

INEM125The death last August of a woman from Belarus, mown down by an accellerating tourist boat as it left a cave at Padre Vincente beach, Carvoeiro, was due to unnecessary speed ​​and lack of warning signals.
The tourist boat was manned by only one crew member and as the boat sped away from shore, in the direction of the sun, its nose lifted making adequate forward vision impossible.