Winter and long-lets on the increase

sunnyThe English couple at the centre of the first episode of the BBC’s “Get Away for Winter” series broadcast last month are among the ever-growing number of foreigners renting properties during the off-season, or even all-year-round.
Trish and Dave Guilford from Sussex stayed in Ferragudo from mid-December to mid-February after their specially filmed search for an ideal winter getaway.

Portugal’s booming cruise market – record number of passengers in 2017

cruiseship2More than 1.3 million cruise passengers entered the national ports last year, a new record and 5% up on the year before.
The ports of Leixões, Lisbon, Setúbal, Portimão, Azores and Madeira, unified under the embryonic brand ‘Cruise Portugal’ the Ports Authority, "welcome these results that contribute significantly to the positive values ​​that have been achieved in Portugal and in the way the country is projected to market,” reads the latest press release.

Damning report into Novo Banco shows Mr Magoo was asleep at the wheel

BoPCostaAsleepBrussels points out "significant deficiencies" in the management of Novo Banco when it was created in 2014, at a cost of €4.4 billion, and run under the control of the Bank of Portugal until it was sold in October 2017 to the US vulture fund, Lone Star.
The European Commission points out significant shortcomings in credit management and information on the risk of banking operations, even after the Bank of Portugal had taken over the defunct BES and created Novo Banco with only the ‘good’ assets - this was the flawed 'resolution' pushed through by 'Mr Magoo' Carlos Costa, the central bank's governor (pictured).

One in ten Portuguese too poor to buy prescribed drugs

pillsOne in ten Portuguese patients prescribed medicines by a doctor last year was unable to purchase them due to lack of funds.
This percentage was lower than in 2016, according to a study by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, which showed 10.8% patients unable to buy their medicines due to the cost of the drugs, down from 11.8% in 2016 and way down from 15.7% in 2014.

Portugal fails to implement 14 of 15 anti-corruption recommendations

gavelThe Group of States Against Corruption has sharply criticised Portugal’s lack of effort in removing the potential for the corruption of the judiciary and calls for greater independence of the judiciary.
The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) today expressed its concern about Portugal's failure to comply with most of its previous recommendations designed to promote greater independence of the judiciary and to increase the public's trust in the justice system.

Portugal’s Social Democratic Party members vote for legalisation of 'personal use' cannabis

marijuanaAt the PSD’s national conference in February, a majority of party members vote in favour of a motion for State regulating of the drug “from production to distribution to sale.”
The motion was put forward by former MP André Almeida and Ricardo Baptista Leite, a current MP and member of the parliamentary Health Committee.

More rain, high winds and thunder on their way

wave3Rain, wind and turbulent seas are set to continue, according to the weather service at the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere.

From the end of Wednesday, due to an approaching front and deep depression, there will be sheets of rain across the country, often heavy and persistent.

"Stay away from the cliffs" warns National Maritime Authority

cliffsThe National Maritime Authority has warned the public to stay away from the cliffs, especially along the Algarve coastline, as stability may well have been affected by the recent rain and high seas.
"The Maritime Authority warns the population of the imminent danger of cliffs collapsing, which are very unstable due to the bad weather that has been felt in recent days," reads the AMN website.