Sonae and EDP hit with €33 million fine for 'illegal pact'

edpThe Competition Authority has fined EDP and Sonae a total of €38.3 million, accusing the companies of agreeing an illegal ‘non-aggression pact’ in a 2012 partnership for an electricity promotion campaign.

Four companies were involved: EDP, EDP Comercial, Sonae and Modelo Continente Hypermarkets.

Declining numbers for Mother's Day

baby2012The average age of first time mothers in Portugal had increased to over 30 years, according to the National Statistics Institute which has registered a steady rise in average age since 1986 when the figure was 23.9 years.

The data comes out in time for Mother's Day on Sunday, May 7th.

Former President of Portugal at key Mediterranean Diet conference in the Algarve

MedGardFruittubThe former President of the Republic of Portugal (1996-2006) and current State Councilor, Jorge Sampaio, is to participate in an international conference at the University of the Algarve.

‘The Cultural Heritage of the Mediterranean Diet’ which will take place on May 9th and 10th and Sampaio’s presence is particularly relevant as in April 2007 he has been the UN’s High-Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Alcoutim - Briton's killer gets 14 year sentence

carleypocockThe Portuguese man arrested on suspicion of killing a Briton at his Alcoutim home, has been sentenced to 14 years and six months in jail by a court in Vila Real de Santo António.

Eugénio Reicha was accused of stabbing the British expatriate, Simon Carley-Pocock, 58, with a spear in his home in Serro da Vinha, Pereiro.

Ferragudo lifeboat crew tow leisure boat away from disaster

seasThe Ferragudo lifeboat has been called out to rescue a boat, drifting towards rocks, with children on board.

An SOS was received by the Portimão Maritime Police, at 19:30 on Tuesday evening.

Silves council project covers junction boxes with artwork

silvesbridge2Silves council has decided that the unsightly junction boxes standing in its streets should be covered with artwork.

So unattractive are these ugly impositions that Silves decided that boxes across the council area should be covered with plastic film featuring something more attractive than bird droppings and graffiti.

Alcoutim villages to get mains water in €1 million contract

alcoutimAlcoutim council has commissioned work to lay 21 kilometres of new water pipes to reach many outlying villages that currently use wells and boreholes for their supply.

The investment of around €1 million comes under the amusingly named, PO SEUR scheme (Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources), and will take mains water to Alcaria Alta, Azinhal, Castelhanos, Diogo Dias, Fonte Zambujo, Fonte Zambujo de Cima, Laborato, Martim Longo, Pão Duro, Pessegueiro, Tacões, Tremelgo de Baixo and Tremelgo de Cima.

Algarve Nature Week launched in Tavira

viaalgarvianafamilyAlgarve Nature Week started today, Friday May 5th, launched in Tavira which is acting as the focal point for a range of activities relating to ‘off-season’ tourism which the region is striving to promote.

Organised by the Algarve’s tourism board, 26 companies and other exhibitors will provide more than 80 activities.