Brexit Blues

BREXIT BLUESA couple of years back I was informed that as a resident I had to have a Portuguese driving licence. As my wife and I were due an annual flu jab I waited until we saw our doctor in the Autumn, had the jab and I asked her for the necessary health certificate I needed to get a driving licence. She scribbled something in Portuguese on a bit of paper and handed it to me.

Keep your spirits up despite this dreadful time!

Wil's bamboo creaturesFrom 1996 the Algarve is the place where I have spent the winter. It started with 6 weeks and up until last time it was 4 months. In a one  room apartment, not very glamorous but with a first class view, seafront, beautiful !

Bazooka: Portugal Post-Corona?

BAZOOKA: PORTUGAL POST-CORONA?The crisis will get worse, say scientists. Bureaucrats will continue to delay the distribution of EU funds. Will a control group at the Presidency use best practices?

Drones Profit

DronesOnce, I wrote an article on drones for firefighters, hospitals and companies to check fertilizer need in agriculture, or details of facades in tall buildings, as Global Drone Tech does.

Occupational Maths

OCCUPATIONAL MATHS"Super Fiendish and Killers" have filled most of my mornings over the last six months. These Soduko puzzles plus a run through of all the free web based papers has usually left me in dire need of physical exercise during the afternoon hours.  So some days I have enjoyed isolated scrambles, inland over the western Algarve and over the cliffs/beaches stretching from Vale de Boi to Cape Vicente. "Magnificient" is the only word that describes these adventures.

Transport In Portugal Post-C19

TRANSPORT IN PORTUGAL POST-C19Scientists publish many reports each day, almost always ignored by the government that pays them. It's time to move ahead. As Bagão Felix writes in the book RESSURGIR, 'please do not change a sand-grain so that almost everything stays the same. We are seduced'by the obsession of quantity,futility and uselessness'.

Facts & figures: UK v Portugal Covid-19 for discussion

FACTS & FIGURES: UK V PORTUGAL COVID-19 FOR DISCUSSIONWhy is Portugal being highlighted as a Danger Zone, apparently victimised by the UK Government, when in fact it is the UK which is the Danger Zone ? Let's look at some calculations...

The Algarve! Is it safe?

THE ALGARVE! IS IT SAFE?We are British. We have been coming to the Algarve for at least 30 years, and have a house here. Portugal is the most lovely, most welcoming and just fantastic place in the whole world! I know, I am lucky enough to have spent my working life travelling to most countries! I fell in love with the Algarve in 1967.