Music in the Algarve & Lisbon

MUSIC IN THE ALGARVE & LISBONMany of us, expatriates, love classic music. In Lisbon there are theatres with excellent acoustics, such as the Gulbenkian and São Carlos. Some churches have very good acoustics and excellent organs, such as S.Vicente de Fora. They are used very often.

The waiting game... Diagnosis: Cancer Stage IV

THE WAITING GAME...DIAGNOSIS: CANCER STAGE IVDestination: Death? Portugal and its healthcare system is surely costing peoples lives… On 1 June 2023 a tumour was found on my ovary by my gynaecologist in Loule Hospital (privately paid for).

Names and Their Meanings

NAMES AND THEIR MEANINGSUnless you created a vaccine for it, the last thing you want is to have your name associated with an illness or disease.  Or a pandemic.  Or a war, no matter which part of Korea or Vietnam you live in.  Will anyone ever choose Wuhan as a holiday destination from now on?

The Future of Algarve/Alentejo

Algarve and AlentejoThe world is changing quite fast but it seems as most politicians think, as Algarve and Alentejo are paradises, nothing must change. In my book ALGARVE / ALENTEJO – MY LOVE I wrote about this paradise, but also warned for certain trends which could ruin it.

Legacy of an Ukranian immigrant

LEGACY OF AN UKRANIAN IMMIGRANTThousands of Ukrainians are coming to Portugal. Emigration has been normal in hundred years, to many countries.

Is Bribery Sometimes Useful?

IS BRIBERY SOMETIMES USEFUL?I was skimming lazily (is that possible?) through the 10th anniversary edition of World Bribery Digest recently, and was delighted to discover the following sentence in the Introduction: "I hope you continue to find Bribery useful in your work." (I loved that word 'continue'.)

Legacy of an Ukrainian immigrant

LEGACY OF AN UKRAINIAN IMMIGRANTThousands of Ukrainians are coming to Portugal. Emigration has been normal in hundred years, to many countries. Izidor Soifer was introspective. He read a lot, listened to music, opera and motivated his children Mery & Jack to read, listen, analyze, understand other ethnicities and groups and reflect on the reasons for the behaviours, the occurrences.

Pandemic-speak is Universal

PANDEMIC-SPEAK IS UNIVERSALCertain words and phrases spring into prominence during emergencies.  In the recent past we have been subjected to sound bites on breakfast TV and tiers before bedtime. So many that they have become platitudes. But good things no longer come to those who wait and time doesn't heal all wounds.  As Shakespeare pointed out, we have all seen better days.