Nine significant ways to extend your commercial roof life!

NINE SIGNIFICANT WAYS TO EXTEND YOUR COMMERCIAL ROOF LIFE!One of the greatest investments in your business is the roof over it. However, statistics show that roofs need replacement between 12 to 50 years. If you have to replace a roof abruptly, it's a financial burden and causes operational disruptions.

Google Ads optimisation – DIY weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly to-do lists

Google Ads optimisation – DIY weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly to-do listsWho doesn’t enjoy a project that’s a ‘set and forget’ kind of deal, right? But let’s face it, in the realm of digital marketing, the only thing truly ‘set and forget’ is that sandwich lingering in the office fridge (the one with the mystery expiration date that no one wants to talk about!) and certainly not your Google Ads optimisation.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, will I go to TikTok and Instagram, no?!

EENY, MEENY, MINY, MOE, WILL I GO TO TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM, NO?!OK, so the TikTok and Instagram rhyme isn’t all that great, but the article is definitely worth reading (Scout’s honour!). This being said, hold onto your hats, as today we will be doing a reality check on two of the fastest growing social media platforms in the past few years! That’s right, we're about to dive headfirst into the whirlwind worlds of TikTok and Instagram and how they may suit (or not) businesses’ digital marketing strategies.

Cultivating Innovation: Best Practices for Startups to Foster a Creative Environment

CULTIVATING INNOVATION: BEST PRACTICES FOR STARTUPS TO FOSTER A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENTIn the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of startups, innovation is not just a buzzword but a crucial element for survival and success.
Creating a culture of innovation is essential for startups aiming to stay ahead in competitive markets and tackle challenges with inventive solutions.

Why Customer Convenience is the Key to a Successful Company

WHY CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE IS THE KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL COMPANYWithout customers you don't have a business. It’s a simple fact, but one you always need to bear in mind when building s business. It is also why focusing on customer convenience is the key to your company’s success, as you will see below.

How To Organize Your Staff Efficiently

HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR STAFF EFFICIENTLYAn organized team is a strong team - but just how can you organize your team efficiently? There are a lot of tasks involved when managing a team of staff including scheduling shifts and paying each employee the right amount on time. For some newbie employers, the whole process can seem quite intimidating. But actually managing staff doesn’t have to be complicated. Below are just a few ways to organize your staff efficiently.

25 Easy Ways to Increase Customer Happiness Levels

25 EASY WAYS TO INCREASE CUSTOMER HAPPINESS LEVELSCustomers are your company’s bread and butter.  Whether you run a corner convenience store an eCommerce clothing boutique or a B2B software company, you need customers to keep buying to keep that money coming in, and that means you need to keep them happy and satisfied come what may.

8 Types of Licences Your Business Might Need and How to Obtain Them

8 TYPES OF LICENCES YOUR BUSINESS MIGHT NEED AND HOW TO OBTAIN THEMAre you planning on starting or expanding your business? Congratulations! But do you know that one of the most important steps in setting up a business is obtaining the necessary licenses and permits? As daunting as it might seem, this vital stage can be made simpler with some strategizing.