Faro: New video surveillance system 'catches' criminals in the act

New surveillance system catches thieves in the actImages from the video surveillance system recently installed in Faro, has allowed the PSP to identify four suspects who broke in to a shop in Faro in the early hours of August 30, around 6:00 am.

The summer heat has been deadly

The summer heat has been deadlyThe extreme temperatures are killing many thousands of people, and increasing the need for urgent action to minimise the impact of global warming.

Legal action over assaults at luxury resort

Legal action over assaults at luxury resortHighly relevant CCTV footage, of two physical assaults on a senior official in the luxury Quinta do Lago resort in the Algarve, was believed to have been destroyed, thus weakening an upcoming court trial.

Excavations in Lagos reveal a shackle used to buy slaves

Excavations in Lagos reveal a shackle used to buy slavesExcavations in the center of Lagos have uncovered a manilla, a brass ring used to buy people, slaves, and a grave with five skeletons, one of them showing signs of violence, said the director of the Lagos Museum.

Government authorizes use of 'dead volume' of Odelouca Dam

Government authorizes use of 'dead volume' of Odelouca DamThe Ministry of Environment and Energy has given the green light to the intervention to use the 'dead volume' to increase the capacity of the Odelouca Dam. This is an investment worth 4.9 million euros, financed by the Environmental Fund and to be carried out by Águas do Algarve.

New rules mean access to the iconic Benagil Caves is limited

New rules mean access to the iconic Benagil Caves is limitedAs of yesterday, August 13th 2024, the iconic Benagil Caves on the coastline of Lagoa have new access rules, which include the prohibition of disembarking and swimming inside.

Monchique: Young motorcyclist seriously injured in collision with a car

Monchique: Young motorcyclist seriously injured in collision with a car.A 20 year old female motorcyclist was seriously injured yesterday afternoon, in a collision between her motorcycle and a light vehicle, in Pardieiro, Monchique.

50 year old tourist raped by two men in Albufeira

50 year old tourist raped by two men in AlbufeiraA 50 year old Irish woman, on holiday in Albufeira, has reported being raped by two men on the street, in the early hours of Monday.